When is the best time to hire an in-home carer for a loved one?
Many adults are happy and healthy, ageing in place. However, as they age, they encounter several physical and mental issues that don't permit them to live an independent life. This is where hiring an in-home care provider like Nurses Group Homecare can be beneficial. In-home care allows people to stay safely in their homes independently, be healthier, and maintain their quality of life. Services can be tailored to your loved one's needs, giving you greater peace of mind. More importantly, health and safety risks will be avoided, keeping their level of mobility and independence intact with support. A professional carer can visit as often as needed and during times when your loved one needs help.
In this article, we will define in-home care and identify the signs that it is time to hire an in-home carer.
What is in-home care?
In-home care is supportive care provided to the patient by a licenced professional carer. They help with medical care as well as other basic daily needs for an individual. Professional carers can visit as often as needed and during times when your loved one needs help.
What are the signs to hire an in-home carer?
The following are the common signs that indicate that it is time to hire an in-home carer for your loved one:
1. Difficult to manage day-to-day activities:
When performing the basic day-to-day tasks becomes overly challenging or time-consuming for your loved one, it could be a sign that it is time to hire an in-home carer. An in-home carer provides help with personal needs such as preparing meals, grocery shopping, running errands, light housekeeping, and so on.
2. Poor hygiene:
A decline in personal hygiene and appearance is a strong sign that it is time to hire an in-home carer. An in-home carer can help them with their daily tasks relating to grooming and bathing, making sure they are clean and wearing clean clothes.
3. Difficulty with mobility:
Mobility issues and pain in the joints are inevitable as people age. It is very common among seniors to have difficulty with mobility or balance as they age, which can limit their activities and increase their risk for falls. If you have noticed that your parents or loved one is having difficulty walking around, getting up from their chair, or climbing stairs, it is a sign that it is time to hire an in-home carer. They can help people move around and handle seniors with mobility issues more professionally.
4. New or worsening health issues:
If your loved one is battling a new health issue or their condition is worsening due to ageing, it is a sign that you might need to hire a professional in-home carer. Some seniors might be faced with health issues that affect their ability to live on their own, such as a hard time recovering from surgery or injury.
5. Driving is no longer safe:
For many older adults, there comes a time when driving can be challenging. Signs of driving issues include unexplained dents or scratches on the car, increased traffic violations, accidents, getting lost in familiar areas, or worsening vision. All these are signs that you should hire an in-home carer who can assist your parents or loved ones in carrying out their errands and driving them to doctor's appointments and basically anywhere they wish to go.
6. Experiencing memory loss:
Memory loss is one of the common issues faced by people as they grow older. If your loved one keeps missing their appointments, forgets to pay their bills, or isn't taking their medications on time as prescribed by their physician, it might be a sign that it is time to hire an in-home carer. Forgetfulness should be ignored, as it might be an early sign of dementia. Once you notice such memory loss among the elderly, you should consult a doctor and get the right treatment at the right time.
7. Mishandled finances:
If your parents are facing challenges managing money and finances, such as unpaid bills, paying bills twice, losing money, late payment notices, or investing in scams, this could be a sign to hire an in-home carer. In-home carers can help your parents keep track of their money and other financial matters.
8. Isolation:
Loneliness can have a negative impact on a senior's mental and physical health. Such loneliness can increase the risk of dementia, depression, high blood pressure, anxiety disorder, social communication disorder, and other health issues. If your parents spend a significant portion of their daily hours alone or inside their home, or if they lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, it is time to hire an in-home carer. An in-home carer can help prevent the situation from worsening, build companionship, and improve the socialisation of the elderly.
9. Decline in the home environment:
Whether it is expired food in the fridge, unopened mail, laundry piling up, or general clutter, a decline in the home environment might be a sign to hire an in-home carer for your parents. In-home carers can help with light household work and maintain the home environment.
10. Carer's stress:
If you are the primary carer for a family member and are experiencing burnout because no one is willing or available to share responsibilities, you do not need to think too hard. Hire an in-home carer who is more trained and skilled to handle such situations. If being a carer is affecting your time, health, and work, the best option is to hire an in-home carer who can provide care and support to your parents full-time, hourly, or through respite care, whichever works best for you.
11. Medical assistance:
As a family carer, you can assist with housekeeping, cooking meals, running errands, and other tasks. If those are the only requirements, maybe you can do it yourself. However, if the senior has mobility issues, dementia, or other health issues that require medical assistance, it is better to hire an in-home carer for expert assistance.
12. Availability:
Caring is a full-time job on its own. The time commitment can be extreme and can cause issues in your professional and personal lives as more and more of your time is spent caring for family members. In such cases, it is best to hire an in-home carer to take over for you when you have other commitments, providing expert care, completing daily tasks, and improving your quality of life without taking up too much of your limited time.
If you are looking for a care provider for a family member in the UK, Nurses Group Homecare is the best option. We provide tailored homecare services based on the needs of our clients after involving them in the development of a care plan for their health and treatment. Visit our care service page to learn more about what we have to offer.